Wednesday, February 22, 2017


In this week, our team tried to use the wood board to create two set of gears which used for manufacturing the corrugated metal strip by hand. Unfortunately, we failed. At the beginning, we used a wood board which thickness is 1cm. After we cut out all the teeth of the wood gear, we realized the teeth are very brittle. When two gears rotated for making the strip, one of the teeth broke. Therefore, we decided to use a thicker wood board which is 2cm to do it again.

Manufacturing the thicker one is a lot harder than the old one. Especially, when we tried to make the teeth, we had met a lot of trouble. Firstly, we could not make the same distance between each tooth by hand. It will cause the unequal distance between the peaks of the corrugated metal strip. Secondly, at the tip of the teeth, we needed to sand it a little bit. It can make the rotation smooth. When we sanded it, we needed to be really careful. It is because the width of each teeth required minimum 3mm. Under that much limitation conditions, we realized we failed again. Fortunately, we had a backup plan which is 3D print. We asked help from our friend who has a 3D printer. Also, we start to draw it out by Solidworks. The gear set could be done by next week.

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